Part A: Hospitalization medicare part A

Medicare Part A is a free benefit to people who have worked at least 10 years (40 quarters) and paid into Medicare during that time.

If you are drawing Social Security you will automatically be enrolled in Part A on the first day of the month which you turn 65. You can expect to receive your red, white, and blue Medicare card three months prior to your birth month.

If you are not drawing Social Security you will want to apply for Part A at or by calling the Social Security Office at 1800-MEDICARE.

After the Part A deductible of $1,364 has been met, you are covered for 100% of costs of the services listed below for the first 60 days. If your hospitalization is separated by 60 days, then you will be stuck paying the deductible once again.

With Medicare Part A alone, you are responsible for $322 per day for days 61-90 in the hospital and $644 per day after your 90th day. You are also responsible for the $1,364 part A deductible.

Some of the most common services include:

  • Nursing fees
  • Meals
  • Hospital beds
  • Hospice care
  • Skilled nursing facilities
  • Specific home health services

Some services NOT included:

  • Private-duty nursing
  • Private rooms
  • Additional perks, such as television or phone
  • Personal care items, such as shaving cream or slippers

With Medicare Part A alone, you are responsible for 20% of the total cost and the $1,364 deductible.

The average cost for one day in a non-profit hospital in Illinois is $2,296.