Medicare part B. Help with signing up for medicare
This part relates to services and supplies that are medically necessary to help you diagnose and treat a disease or medical condition. It covers two types of services:
- Medically Necessary Services
- Preventative Services
Some examples include:
- Laboratory tests
- CT scans
- X-rays
- Doctor visits
- Surgeries
- Supplies, like wheelchairs and walkers
Medicare Part B is available for enrollment three months prior to your 65th birthday.
If you are drawing Social Security you will automatically be enrolled in Part B on the first day of the month which you turn 65. You can expect to receive your red, white, and blue Medicare card three months prior to your birth month.
If you are not drawing Social Security you will want to apply for Part B at or by calling the Social Security Office at 1800-MEDICARE.
If you choose to sign up for Part B it will typically cost you $137.00 per month and will automatically be deducted from your Social Security check.
If you do not wish to be enrolled in Part B of Medicare, then you need to follow the instructions in the envelope your Medicare card came in and return the card.
Part B has an annual deductible of $185.00 before it starts paying at 80%.
With Medicare Part B alone, you are responsible for 20% of the total cost after the $185.00 deductible.